One reason people have come to trust us at the Great Green Wall is that we look deep into clinical studies and scientific research to find out what the data and facts say about nutrients, diets, and supplements.
So when someone asked me if Ashwagandha could really help build muscle mass, I took a full day to research this medicinal herb to find out what I could. I already knew that it could have powerful T-Boosting effects, but I also found several studies that it really can build muscle mass independent of T-Gains. Here’s what I found.
What You Need to Know:
Primary Studies
I found several studies showing increased muscle mass, strength, and stamina across groups taking Ashwagandha while weight training. Here I’ll present some of the numerical data that was published.
8 week study
In an 8 week study men who took Ashwagandha had 30% more muscle growth in their thighs alone. This study also saw a drop in body fat percentage more than double the placebo group.
30 day study
A 30 day study saw men drop over 2 points off their body fat percentages, and an increase of 18% to their strength testing.
8 week study
Another 8 week study took a battery of tests to arrive at the Absolute Power of human subjects by measuring the weight and speed of various lifts to determine the force they could exert. Men in the Ashwagandha group had a 9% increase in total absolute power, statistically significantly higher than the placebo group (<1%).
Conclusions We Can Draw
In all of these studies we’re given detailed statistics, measurements, and recordings for men’s:
- body fat,
- muscle mass,
- strength, and
- recovery time.

Every single metric measured was significantly better than resistance training alone.
But that’s not the end of the story. Luckily for us, and to the credit of the scientists conducting these trials, we have some evidence for how Ashwagandha is leading to muscle growth.
Possible Mechanisms of Action
Seeing evidence that a compound works, no matter how good the evidence, isn’t as powerful as knowing how the compound works. Let’s take a look at some of the ways Ashwandha can help you build muscle on a cellular level.
As we mentioned earlier, Ashwagandha may play an important role in ATP cycling. ATP, or Adenosine Triphosphate, is the trigger that tells muscles to contract. In order for that to happen, phosphate breaks off of the ATP molecule and passes through the barrier between the nerve and the muscle, and tells the muscle to fire.

Now the ATP molecule is ADP (diphosphate), and needs help getting its Phosphate molecule back so it can trade it again for a muscle firing. ADP gets its Phospate back through ionic interaction with other electrolytes, such as Magnesium.
One important study found that Ashwagandha helps ADP become less dependent on Magnesium, and therefore it can generate into ATP faster.
Creatine Kinase
People who regularly read fitness and health magazines for muscle building tips are already aware of Creatine, and that it naturally exists in all muscle tissue. What most people do not know is that Ashwagandha can increase the amount of Creatine your body naturally produces.

This Creatine burst can lead to better ATP exchange, and more importantly, better muscle recovery. As our muscles tear themselves down during intense, muscle-building workouts, they need time and nutrients to recover. More Creatine, via Ashwagandha, can help you recover faster.
Readers of the Great Green Wall know that Ashwagandha has a mountain of evidence supporting its use as a T-Booster. That means that, in addition to its ATP and Creatine effects, Ashwagandha can help you produce more of the hormone necessary for muscle growth.

Without Testosterone, in men or women, there would be no muscle development. Even if there were, our bones need Testosterone to build themselves strong enough to withstand the torque of added muscle. Ashwagandha root can help get that Testosterone up and running to the systems where you need it most.
Is Ashwagandha Safe?
Absolutely. None of the over half-dozen studies I read reported any adverse effects or other issues. Also, we’ve researched multiple effective Testosterone supplements that have Ashwagandha, and all of them have a clean track record for safety.
Final Word
I’ve written literally hundreds of articles on fitness and health, and I’ve reached thousands of readers. In all of those pieces, I’ve rarely seen a natural herb with such a solid track record of improving a health outcome. And, it’s completely safe and 100% legal.
So whether you’re looking for one more thing to push you to a peak physique, or you want an all-around fitness supplement that can help you with your resistance training and muscle-building, look for quality supplements containing healthy doses of Ashwagandha. It’s one ingredient that may make the difference in deciding between two products, and it could make an even bigger difference in the gym.
Great stuff
How much ashwagandha did people take in these studies ?
Dear Vicki,
Thank you for your interest. Each study referenced within the article is directly linked for your convenience, allowing for in-depth exploration of any specific research and details that capture your attention.
Warm Regards,
The Great Green Wall Team
What’s a healthy dose of Ashwagandha?
Hi Emmanuel,
I have written a whole article on dosages. You can find it here.
Please remember that it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. They can give you personalized advice according to your specific health condition and needs.
Thank you,
Thank-you I think one thing you left out on is its ability to help decrease cortisol as a diabetic it has helped me a lot and I would love to hear more on dosage info again Thank-you amazing article
Hi Travis,
Thank you for your insights! This article is specifically about Ashwagandha and muscle growth. However, you’re absolutely right that Ashwagandha has a broad range of benefits, including the potential to lower cortisol, which can be particularly helpful for those managing diabetes.
We also appreciate you bringing up the topic of dosage, as it’s an important aspect of any discussion on supplements and their benefits. This is a topic we will definitely address in future articles, so keep an eye out, but please note that every individual’s health situation is unique, so we always recommend discussing personal dosage with a healthcare provider to ensure safety and efficacy.
Kind Regards,
Great Green Wall Team
What dosages did the studies use?
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your question!
All the studies are hyperlinked directly in the text. If you see any underlined text, that’s a hyperlink which will take you directly to the original source of the information. You should be able to see all the details of the studies there.
Kind regards,
Thank you for this article. It convinced my husband that my trust in Ashwaghanda is valid. I value the gift of this plant.
Good information,thx
Thank {Y😅U}👍
‘Very, ‘Very “INFORMATIVE! 💯
Awesome. Thanks for the info. Greatly appreciated. Only one question, what would be the recommended dose? I’m a 42 years old male. Thanks.
Hi Adam,
Thank you for your comment! I actually wrote a whole article on dosages. You can find it here.
Please remember that it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. They can give you personalized advice according to your specific health condition and needs.
Stay healthy!
What is an effective daily dosage?
Hi Frank,
Great question! I have written a whole article on dosages. You can find it here.
Please remember that it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. They can give you personalized advice according to your specific health condition and needs.
Kind regards,
What time is the best time for the supplements (ashwaganda)??
Dosage in mg to be consumed???
Hi Rajesh,
Thanks for your question! The best time to take Ashwagandha and its appropriate dosage can depend on many factors, and I’ve actually written an article about it on this blog. I would recommend checking it out. You can find it here.
However, please remember that it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. They can give you personalized advice according to your specific health condition and needs.
Kind Regards,
Please remember older people also wish to improve muscle mass purely to help keep physically working, thank you for your arrival regarding Ashwagandha. Glynn.
😊 thanks
Great info! I take Ashwaganda for stress reduction and I love it, but now I’m thrilled to know it’ll help my workouts and fitness level as well. Thank you!
Thank you
Thank you had no idea I use yo take Ashwagandha then I stopped will start back now
Very interesting commentary…your
Facts are correct!