Horny Goat Weed or Epimedium is a natural ingredient with several benefit claims linked to men's health. It's believed to stimulate processes in the body to skyrocket libido and regulate and boost hormones like testosterone, but is there any truth to these claims?
Below I analyze the available evidence to see if there's any truth to the claims and ultimately determine whether this ingredient is effective in increasing testosterone levels.
Key Findings
What Is Horny Goat Weed?
Despite its less-than-ordinary name, Horny Goat Weed, also known as Yin Yan Huo, is a flowering plant that we've seen grace many supplement formulas over the years. The ingredient has strong roots in Chinese Medicine and is, of course, well known for its natural ability to boost libido and arousal levels to improve sexual function through the stimulation of male and female hormones, but its benefits don't end there.

Research (anecdotal observations, evidence from animal and cellular studies) suggest that Horny Goat Weed may also have the ability to:
Some of the mentioned benefits of consuming Horny Goat Weed, like normalizing stress hormone levels, promoting blood circulation, and improving sexual function, can be useful in combating symptoms of testosterone deficiency or issues that hinder testosterone production. This link is one of the reasons why many experts claim that the ingredient would be useful in boosting testosterone levels.
Animal Studies Examined
After much research, I found that most of the evidence supporting the benefits and claims of Horny Goat Weed comes from animal studies. Looking more closely at the claim of testosterone boosting, I found a PubMed study investigating the Effects of the herb on the reproductive functions of male rats.
Adult rats were given varying oral doses of Horny Goat Weed for 35 consecutive days.The results show that the herb had virtually no effect on the body weight or the organs, which rules out the possibility of using Horny Goat Weed as an effective fat burner or wellness aid.

However, there were some positive findings—50 and 100mg doses significantly increased sperm counts, libidos, and testosterone levels. The treatment also improved antioxidative capacity, while higher doses negatively affected levels of oxidative stress.
These results collectively suggest that Horny Goat Weed can benefit male reproductive functions in certain doses. However, higher doses may damage reproductive functions by increasing oxidative stress in the testes. Although the use of Horny Goat Weed produced some positive results, we must remember that the trial involved animals, meaning use in humans may not produce the same results.
Linking the Primary Effects of Horny Goat Weed to Testosterone
As I mentioned earlier, there aren't any solid human studies evaluating the consumption of Horny Goat Weed and testosterone boosts. However, I found a link that may prove the ingredient is an effective testosterone-boosting agent.
From the shared research and reviews, we know that Horny Goat Weed lives up to its name and can indeed boost libidos and improve sexual function and fertility. According to science, the enhancement of these sexual processes can lead to a boost in testosterone levels.

This is quite a stretch from the information we are usually exposed to—testosterone boosts sexual performance, so it's a wonder if the opposite can be true.
One study evaluating the changes in testosterone levels in response to sexual stimulation came up with some solid evidence that proves the opposite. The results showed that all men in the group (those who observed and participated) showed an improvement in testosterone levels. However, the increase was significantly higher in those participating in sexual activity.
In another study, the testosterone levels of both males and females were measured before/after sexual intercourse and on days when there was no sex. The highest level of testosterone was seen after intercourse in both groups. Testosterone levels were lower before intercourse and on days with no sex.
These results show that sexual activity influences testosterone rather than testosterone influencing sexual activity. This evidence may be used to demonstrate the effect Horny Goat Weed has on testosterone levels because the herb has a strong history of promoting better sexual function and libidos.
The data gathered from the studies here also links up with the animal study I mentioned earlier, which showed that the consumption of Horny Goat Weed increased sperm counts, libidos, and testosterone levels of rats.
It's no wonder why testosterone booster supplements like TestoGen use Horny Goat Weed in their formula. The ingredient acts as a support structure, indirectly boosting testosterone while eliminating symptoms of testosterone deficiency like reduced libido and erectile dysfunction.
Final Word
While limited research exists specifically on the effects of Horny Goat Weed on testosterone levels in humans, animal studies have shown potential benefits. In addition, we found a solid link between the Weed's primary effect on sexual processes and testosterone boosts. Other proposed benefits of Horny Goat Weed may also effectively eliminate symptoms of low testosterone.
So, even though direct testosterone boosts aren't on the cards, according to science, supplementation can eliminate testosterone deficiency symptoms or factors that hinder testosterone production. This indirectly supports better production of testosterone, increasing its levels. In my opinion, taking a Horny Goat Weed supplement or a testosterone booster containing the ingredient will not go in vain.