Thousands of readers have come to trust us here at the Great Green Wall, and we’d like to think we’ve earned that trust. But we have to keep earning it every day. That’s why when someone asks me to review a product, an ingredient, or even gather stats on a diet trend, I really dig into the details to find the answers.
When a reader recently asked me about Test Boost Max, I actually had some trouble finding out who makes it, as it’s sold through a few websites. And when I finally did track down the product and its ingredients, I found some hits and misses in their supplement. Here’s the full breakdown.

Test Boost Max
Overall Rating: 3/5
What is Test Boost Max?
Test Boost Max is a 9 ingredient testosterone booster that claims to boost gym performance, burn fat, and help you achieve healthier levels of Testosterone. While I do see some proven ingredients on their label, I don’t see things like Fenugreek, D-Aspartic Acid, or minerals like Zinc or Magnesium.
Best Alternatives
Before we go further, there are a number of alternatives to Test Boost Max, and all of them have formulas that have stood the test of time.

Overall Rating: 5/5
- Our Top Editor’s Pick, year on year.
- 2,000 mg of clinically proven T-booster D-Aspartic Acid.
- Assists with fat burning and muscle building.
Prime Male

Overall Rating: 4.7/5
- Nettle root for natural T-boosting.
- Has all three T-Essential minerals (boron, zinc & magnesium).
- Powerful dose of Vitamin D, essential for T-Production.

Overall Rating: 46/5
- Max-levels of D-Aspartic acid for rapid muscle growth.
- Lean formula for focused results.
- Best results for the gym-oriented among us.
Proposed Benefits
Test Boost Max claims it can help with everything from libido to performance in the gym. They also claim a lot of percentages (“73% more energy” for instance), but these are also based on people who took part in their V Shred workouts, as well. So I can’t say for sure what they’re claiming the supplement alone can provide.
Builds Muscle
Of all the claims that Test Boost makes, this one has the least grounding. I combed through their ingredient list and couldn’t find any support for the claim. Unlike Testoprime, with clinically proven D-Asp that can lead directly to muscle growth, Test Boost uses some trendy herbs that just don’t stack up. Interestingly, the website for Test Boost Max has notation for citation, but I couldn’t find their footnotes.
Increases Libido
This claim may have some merit. Because they do have ingredients like Longjack and Horney Goat Weed that have a history of boosting drive, there is a decent chance you’ll see some results in this area. However, these claims are always difficult to prove because even in a clinical setting it relies on self-reported data, which is subject to the placebo effect.
Burn Fat
One positive I can note about Test Boost Max is their high dose of Ashwagandha. Because this natural herb can decrease stress and anxiety, it can literally reduce our Cortisol levels. When this happens, our Testosterone can move more freely about our systems. This can result in faster metabolism. In addition, lowered Cortisol means converting less sugar to body fat, and less cravings for sweet and salty foods.
Ashwagandha Root – 600 mg
This one is a no-brainer. At the Great Green Wall, we’ve been loving the research on Ashwagandha and T-Levels for years. Not only can it increase your Testosterone in its own right, it can also help lower levels of the T-Killing hormone Cortisol.

Tribulus Extract – 500 mg
Here’s the first of the ingredients in Test Boost Max with a questionable track record. While Tribulus has been linked to massive muscle gains, many of those Tribulus users were actually doping. In all our research, we’ve flagged Tribulus as a “stay away” ingredient.
Epimedium Grandiflorum Leaves – 160 mg
Also known as Horny Goat Weed, this has been used for centuries to increase libido and performance. But the Testosterone increases have been hard to pin down. I’ve really only found one study showing increases. It’s noteworthy that other supplements like Testoprime have stayed away from Epimedium.
Eleuthero Root – 100 mg
Also called “Siberian Ginseng,” there is no evidence whatsoever that I could find of it helping with Testosterone production. One study aimed to see if it could help by reducing Cortisol under exercise stress–results were mixed, and that’s the best that can be said of this ingredient.
Diindolylmethane – 100 mg
Perhaps the most troubling inclusion on the ingredient label, this vegetable compound found in broccoli can actually have T-Killing effects at high doses.
Hawthorn Berry – 40 mg
This flowering plant has been cropping up on a lot of websites, but it’s always important to check the fineprint. The one study I could find where Hawthorn Berry (Crataegus aronia) increased testosterone did it with 200 mg per kg of bodyweight. That’s significantly more than is present in Test Boost Max.
Eurycoma Longifolia (Tongkat Ali) – 20 mg
We’ve studied Tongkat extensively, here, and we’ve reached the conclusion that it can help with T-Levels. That said, it does fall into a gray area when it comes to safety.
American Ginseng – 20 mg
I’ve long cautioned our readers to be aware of which kind of Ginseng is on a label. Korean or Red Ginseng has been linked in a number of studies to Testosterone health. The issue here is that American Ginseng has little to no effect.

Cordyceps Mycelium (Mushroom) – 20 mg
This last ingredient presented a few challenges. For one, the word “mycelium” simply means “mushroom root.” Secondly, there are hundreds of types of Cordyceps mushroom, the two main ones being Sinensis and Militaris. Both of them have strong T-Boosting effects, but it’s impossible to know if either of these are the ones in Test Boost Max.
Top Alternatives

Overall Rating: 5/5
- Our Top Editor’s Pick, year on year.
- 2,000 mg of clinically proven T-booster D-Aspartic Acid.
- Assists with fat burning and muscle building.
Prime Male

Overall Rating: 4.7/5
- Nettle root for natural T-boosting.
- Has all three T-Essential minerals (boron, zinc & magnesium).
- Powerful dose of Vitamin D, essential for T-Production.

Overall Rating: 46/5
- Max-levels of D-Aspartic acid for rapid muscle growth.
- Lean formula for focused results.
- Best results for the gym-oriented among us.
Does it Really Work?
I really do believe that every review I write, and every research project I undertake, puts my reputation on the line. Bearing that in mind, I don’t think we can fully sign off on Test Boost Max. The formula doesn’t seem to have the benefit of a full research team, as Prime Male and Testo-Max clearly do. Not only does it lack certain ingredients with stellar clinical records, but it also has a number of other ingredients with subpar performance.
Final Verdict
We have to recommend steering clear of this one. While nothing in this product is dangerous, and it is quite affordable, it would serve you better going with any one of a number of other products. While the money-back guarantee may be enticing, it may end up costing you more hassle than anything else. Especially when you can save that time and energy going with a product you won’t have to return.

Get Top Testosterone Booster: TestoPrime